Daily Archives: March 14, 2011

Pep Rally

After my Comparative Political Systems class, I was supposed to have Theology. But it was once again cancelled. Of course I’m not complaining about the frequent cancellations or anything but it feels like we have class once a month…

Because of the cancellation, I got to go to the March Madness pep rally for the St. John’s men’s basketball team with Lizzy and Mary!

Steve Lavin made a nice speech and they gave out some free stuff but other than that it was nothing special. Afterwards, Lizzy, Mary, and I went to Starbucks for coffee, tea, and chit-chat. I swayed from my usual coffee or chai tea in favor of an unsweetened venti iced tea to which I added a smidgen of sugar in the raw. Perfectly refreshing.

I’m currently attempting to study for my Western Political Thought midterm tomorrow! And here I was thinking I was done… 🙂

Emily ❤

Question: What’s your favorite Starbucks drink?

An Apple A Day

I can’t believe Spring break is officially over and that I actually have to attend classes today. On the bright side it will be good to be back with all my friends!

I hit up the gym this morning for a Hal Higdon style 5 mile pace run on the treadmill. I had initially wanted to run at a 9:00 minute per mile pace but my knee was a little wonky and I just wasn’t feeling 100% into it. I ended up finishing in 47:00 minutes with an average pace of 9:24.

On the way back to my room, I ducked into the dining hall and stealthily grabbed two apples, a pear, and a banana. Besides coffee, the first thing I consume every morning is fresh fruit. I would say about 93% of the time it’s an apple. Here’s hoping I can ward off any doctors!

Emily ❤

Question: What foods do you eat on a daily basis?