Dinner With Dr. McDougall

It’s not even 3:00 but it feels like dinnertime already! The reading and napping that I had planned on earlier didn’t really work out. Instead I bummed around on the internet while munching on the PB&J pita I had packed, chocolate chips, apple slices, almond butter, and carrots.

My random trip to the dollar store this past week resulted in purchasing a lime green cutting board and knife set. Perfectly sized for my dorm room. I was a little skeptical at first, but I didn’t have much to lose (other than a dollar) in buying it.

They’re not the greatest knife or cutting board but they certainly beat plastic utensils on paper plates!

Eventually I made my way over to the mailroom to pick up a package that had been waiting for me. While I was home my Mom ordered me a purple laptop cover!

Snazzy, huh? 🙂

Anyway, since I’m feeling sleep pretty soon I had a Dr. McDougall’s lentil couscous microwaveable soup cup for my early dinner. I don’t know why it has taken me this long to try this flavor, it’s awesome!

It was thicker than a typical soup but absolutely delicious. It has a unique curry-like spicy flavor to it that I really enjoyed along with great ingredients and a great nutritional profile. I would definitely buy this again.

Emily ❤

Question: Do you find yourself buying things just because they are inexpensive or on sale?

One response to “Dinner With Dr. McDougall

  1. I love trying new things but if I’m not too sure about it I’ll only pick it up when it’s on sale. Plus since I’m trying to keep to a more strict food buget buying things on sale really helps.

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